
Showing posts from June, 2019

Wood Burning Stoves and potatoes

Looking out of my open office door the mercury is rising, today is forecast for 27 degrees  C by 5 this afternoon and is forecast for higher tomorrow. Across Europe, people are sadly dying because of the heat and the effect it has upon our poor frail human bodies. Pets are in need of special attention too but it won't be long before the cold winter months are upon us once more. With the rising detrimental effects of staying warm each winter, both to the environment and upon our finances it is easy to see why our ancient ancestors put so much store in preparing for the open fire each winter. Now although I waxed lyrical in my last blog about my history with an open fire and the preparation of the fuel for the same, I am not about to suggest that we return to a time when rubbing two sticks together was the preferred method of keeping warm on a cold winters evening but the wood burner's seemingly endless march into our homes has a lot going for it. The Aga Lawley with 360-de...

The Woodman

My life history as a woodman and wood burning stove user is being put to the test... Let’s not beat about the bush: I started my working life as a woodman and so for years, I have been a user of an open wood fire or an ordinary wood-burning stove. In my daily work these days I have left my life as a woodman way behind me. Even my second career as a long distance lorry driver has gone. These days I am mainly at my desk in front of a computer, so I actually enjoy getting my chainsaw and my splitter out, felling trees, splitting logs and all the outdoor work involved in heating my home the way I love to and always have done. With a wood fire and stove. Sometimes I just need to go outside and empty my head of the rubbish that my modern life fills it with, for an hour or two, and leave behind me a heap of enough logs to last a month or two, with a clear head and my history revisited in a way that only my connection with trees, wood and fire can give me. Now, I am not a tree hugger...
The AGA Lawley Pedestal 360 degree turning stove now live in the showroom Visit our Web site The AGA Lawley is a stunning contemporary stove, if you're looking for real centrepiece to your living room as well as a great source of heat then this is the stove for you. This wood burning stove really is an amazing piece of craftsmanship, from the curved body and oversize flame window to the elegant pedestal, this beautiful stove really will make a statement in any room. But let's not just talk about the looks of this stove as it's also packed full of great features from it's active airwash system and it's primary and secondary air control to make sure you get the most heat and efficiency from the stove. Airwash System Cool Touch Handle Overnight Burn 80.2% Efficiency
The new blue smoked glass plinth in the showroom now   The new blue smoked glass plinth in the showroom now   Looks amazing   Half price for the next week   Come and see how good this looks Wiltshire Ranges and Stoves
Westfire promotion with us now  From 17th June to 23rd August get a free fireside package worth up to £100-00 when you buy a new Westfire Stove

Dick Strawbridge and Rayburns

Ever wondered what it is like to own the farmhouse kitchen stalwart?  See what Dick Strawbridge has to say and then come and see us and we can help you choose just the right one for your needs Rayburns with Dick Strawbridge
Rayburn offer ends 22nd of June Up to £950-00 off selected models Call us for a free home survey