Wood Burning Stoves and potatoes
Looking out of my open office door the mercury is rising, today is forecast for 27 degrees C by 5 this afternoon and is forecast for higher tomorrow. Across Europe, people are sadly dying because of the heat and the effect it has upon our poor frail human bodies. Pets are in need of special attention too but it won't be long before the cold winter months are upon us once more. With the rising detrimental effects of staying warm each winter, both to the environment and upon our finances it is easy to see why our ancient ancestors put so much store in preparing for the open fire each winter. Now although I waxed lyrical in my last blog about my history with an open fire and the preparation of the fuel for the same, I am not about to suggest that we return to a time when rubbing two sticks together was the preferred method of keeping warm on a cold winters evening but the wood burner's seemingly endless march into our homes has a lot going for it. The Aga Lawley with 360-de...